One-Year Partnership Commitment

Our Partnership Covenant is an expression of our shared desire to learn and live as a family together on mission with Jesus. North Ridge Church is built around the idea of practicing the way of Jesus together in our city. We believe that to be an apprentice of Jesus of Nazareth is to order your life around three goals:
Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, and Do what Jesus did.

As we live this way, the hope is to see our lives, our communities, and our city transformed. We believe the Church is not a building or a weekend activity, but a people. We strive to live out the Gospel in our city throughout the week and gather each weekend as a collection of Communities. Our prayer is, as Jesus prayed, that God’s will would be done in Asheboro as it is in Heaven.

N E X T   S T E P S


We practice the way of Jesus by being a part of different spaces such as, corporate worship on Sundays, biblical courses, conferences, team coaching, and/or counseling.


The best way to join a Community is to check out the Life Groups page  listed under "Connect" which is where you can find info about where our Life Groups are meeting and how you can connect.
We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances. Navigate to our Giving page above to begin giving online or to learn more about our other giving platforms.


Serving in one of our ministry areas is a great way to not only care for our church, but to invest in the next generation. Discover serving opportunities and submit a Serving Interest Form.