Spring 2025 Course Dates:

wednesdays | 6pm-7:30pm | north ridge campus

beginning Wednesday, January 15th

This course is broken into sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to
lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus; an on-ramp to understanding intentional spiritual formation and the Way of life Jesus modeled. 

The Goals

We hear the language “follower of Jesus” all the time, but what does it mean to be a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus? Put simply, it means you re-organize your life around three goals:


Our primary goal as followers of Jesus is learning to live in a constant state of connection to the Spirit. We must invite Jesus into every moment and learn to always be in two places at once—at home and with Jesus, at work and with Jesus, on our commute and with Jesus. Bring his presence into the routine of our daily life.


The promise of the New Testament is nothing short of full-on transformation, but so many of us feel a disconnect between that promise and our reality. Is change really possible? The answer is: yes. We have to learn to  allow ourselves to be transformed, from the inside out, as we work to become like Jesus.


As apprentices of Jesus, we are called to not only follow Jesus in spirit but we are called to continue his work on earth as it is in heaven. This means healing the sick, praying for the lost, opening up our homes and our lives to those far from God. The end goal is to do what he did.